The Giant Tortoises Land
The giant tortoises, lava caverns, and greenest highland land is situated on the center of the archipelago. According to England Scientist studies and trails, Santa Cruz and all archipelago is the laboratory of the human evolution.
Honoring him, on 1959 was created the Charles Darwin Research Center Station in Puerto Ayora, in order to preserve the endemic flora and fauna of the Galápagos Islands. In between the facilities there is the tortoise breeding center which has allowed scientific projects as well as rebuild an almost extinct population in Española. It is also possible to notice more than eleven different kind of tortoises. The highlands of the island have a big wild population of tortoises,
they walk freely around the private and National Park lands. Santa Cruz has tree tortoise subspecies, from 15 tortoise subspecies. Travelers also can be amazed with the largest accessible lava tunnels on the highland. Underneath the ground hundreds of lava have been formed by different temperature kinds of lava flow. Also, it is possible to visit the twin craters of Los Gemelos that are actually sink holes surrounded by Scalecia and miconia forest. And, the largest mangrove and the most beautiful beaches, jewels of the island, are told on different presentation. In summary, the highland a stunning lush contrast to the beaches and arid lowlands of the Santa Cruz Island.
Teeming wildlife and greenest highland will be found in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, our guest will wonder visiting a ranch where it is possible a healthy short trail surrounded by the endemic tropical forest and they can closely observe exotic giant turtles on natural state, also our guests will take a trip under the lava tunnels always assisted by our experienced tour guide. The next spot is Los Gemelos – or “The Twins” in English – which are often mistaken for volcanic craters, those are actually sinkholes. When the volcanoes on the islands were still active, lava flows would roll down the hills to get to the sea. So, the lava run at different speeds under the ground for several days becoming big lava tunnels and magma chambers. The outer lava cools faster than the middle and starts to dry, allowing for the formation of lava walls that enclose the hotter lava within. These geological formations remain underground for thousands of years until their roofs collapse due to erosion, which is the case with Los Gemelos. At the end of this peculiar trip our guest will return to the coziest and environmentally friendly hotel.